The six best visas for digital nomads in 2023

Want to live and work on an island? Some countries offer visas with great benefits for digital nomads. Here are some of the most attractive visas for digital nomads in 2023.

Want to live and work on an island? Some countries offer visas with great benefits for digital nomads. Here are some of the most attractive visas for digital nomads in 2023.

The way we work has changed dramatically over the last few decades. First, we saw a significant increase in internet-based, technology-focused employment. Then the pandemic led to less dependence on office space, improving work-life balance. All this has led to the rise of the digital nomad: someone who works location-independently from anywhere in the world – and only needs a good Wi-Fi connection to do so.

This more flexible way of working isn’t for everyone, but if the idea of working from anywhere in the world appeals to you, you’re not alone. But before you pack your bags, did you know that some countries offer work visas with great benefits specifically for digital nomads? Here are some of the best ways for digital nomads to live and work remotely in 2022.

Why you need a digital nomad visa

Many aspiring digital nomads don’t realize that working remotely on a tourist visa is technically illegal for tax reasons. If you live and work in one country but pay taxes in another, the situation can get complicated quickly. One of the best ways to avoid tax problems is to work in a country that offers a digital nomad visa.

The best visas for digital nomads in 2023

Many digital nomad visas make things easy. They allow you to continue paying taxes in your home country without paying additional taxes in the country where you work. However, to apply for a digital nomad visa, you usually need to have health insurance and meet a minimum income requirement. These requirements vary from country to country, as do visa processing fees. Here are some of the most attractive packages for those who want to live the life of a digital nomad.

Welcome Stamp Visa Barbados

One of the first countries to introduce a visa for digital nomads in June 2020 is Barbados with its “Welcome Stamp” visa. This allows digital nomads to live on the Caribbean island for up to twelve months without paying income tax there. The minimum income requirement to apply for the visa is EUR 50,000 per year, and the application fee is EUR 2,000 for a single person and EUR 3,000 for a “family package”. Although you don’t have to pay income tax in Barbados, any products or services you buy on the island are subject to 17.5% VAT.

When you’re not working on the beach, the island offers several coworking and office options and has fairly stable fibre optic internet coverage. If you want to stay in this little paradise after twelve months, it is often possible to extend your visa!

The Nomad Residence Permit from Malta

Similar to Barbados’ Welcome Stamp, Malta’s Nomad Residence Permit allows you to live and work on the island for twelve months without paying income tax. Malta has good internet connectivity and 5G services throughout the island. To apply for a Nomad Residence Permit, you need to earn EUR 2,700 gross per month (EUR 32,400 gross per year) and pay a visa administration fee of EUR 300.

Malta is a beautiful, English-speaking island in the Mediterranean Sea between Europe and Africa. This makes it a great base from which to explore both continents. Non-Europeans are allowed to travel and stay in the entire Schengen area for up to 90 out of 180 days with the Nomad Residence Permit.

Visa for digital nomads from Croatia

Since January 2021, Croatia has offered a temporary residence permit for digital nomads, allowing them to live and work in the country for up to twelve months without having to pay income tax there. Once those twelve months are up, you’ll have to leave the country for at least 90 days before you can reapply for a visa if you want to stay longer.

Compared to many other visas for digital nomads, the minimum income requirement in Croatia is lower at EUR 2,232 gross per month and EUR 26,790 annually. However, if a family member or partner wants to accompany you, the amount increases by 10%. You can apply for your visa either in Croatia, online or at a Croatian embassy.

“Work From Bermuda” – Visa

Unlike the other digital nomad visas on this list, the Work From Bermuda visa has no minimum income requirement and is also available to students. However, you will need to pay an application fee of €263 for the visa and prove a consistent source of income for your visa to be approved. The Work from Bermuda visa allows you to live, study and work in Bermuda without having to pay income tax (although you will still have to pay taxes in your home country).

Bermuda consists of over 181 islands, the official language is English, winter and summer are subtropically mild – but it is also the most expensive country in the world, more expensive than Switzerland! Since Bermuda imports most of its raw materials from the US, import duties are high, making the cost of living in this beautiful archipelago astronomical.

Remote Work Visa from Costa Rica

Since July 2022, Costa Rica has been offering digital nomad visas to those who want to work from a paradise of rainforests and beaches, regardless of location. With the Costa Rica Remote Work Visa, you can live and work in Costa Rica for up to twelve months without paying income tax.

This visa allows you to open a bank account and drive with your driving licence. The minimum income requirement is 3,000 EUR per month and if you go to Costa Rica with a family member, you must earn 5,000 EUR per month together. You must also provide proof of health insurance for the entire duration of your stay.

Digital Nomad Visa Albania

The Albanian Parliament approved a new law to facilitate easier residence application processes for remote workers opening different resident models for digital nomads in the balkans.

The new Albanian Law on Foreigners aims to bring Albanian law in line with the European Union and attract more foreign investment. The amendments also include an expansion for the categories of foreigners allowed for permanent permits. 

Specifically, pensioners, digital nomads, remorse workers, and those willing to buy property in the state can apply. For these reasons, the new law simplifies the application process for online visas and residence permits.

Update Albanian Law For Remote Workers and Foreigners

At the moment, foreigners must apply for two separate permits to live in Albania through the Border and Immigration Police and the local Municipality. Thanks to the new rule, applicants can make one single application through a quicker and lower-cost process.

Digital nomads can apply for a one-year permit and ask for an extension for the second year, then five years, and finally a permanent residency. Remote workers need to provide one of these types of contract:

  • Contract with a foreign company 
  • Service contract with a foreign contractor, 
  • Contract with a client for a specific remote project.

In addition, they have to provide:

  • Proof of financial means to support themselves and family members
  • An Albanian bank account where they will transfer funds
  • Contract of accommodation in Albania
  • Health insurance
  • Clean criminal record check.

Likewise, initially, pensioners can only apply for one-year permits, providing the annual pension (minimum €9800) and proving their means for financial support. The additional requirements align with remote workers and digital nomads. Pensioners can also extend their stay from two to five years. 

In addition, students and researchers can apply for a special permit to stay in Albania for nine months after their research or studies to look for a job.

The Albanian government is following the global trend towards working visas and remote workers. However, there are a few adjustments that need to be made: 

  •  Albanian banks require a residence permit before opening an account, making it challenging to get all requirements for visas. 
  •  Freelancer and project-based digital nomads don’t have a suitable contract to present to the authorities.
  • Some countries don’t allow the transfer of pensions to Albania. 

Despite challenges, the Albanian government is opening the way to foreigners and digital nomads.

What are The best visas for digital nomads in 2023?

Bocas del Toro Digital Nomad

1. Welcome Stamp Visa Barbados
2. The Nomad Residence Permit from Malta
3. Visa for digital nomads from Croatia
4. “Work From Bermuda” – Visa
5. Remote Work Visa from Costa Rica
6. Digital Nomad Visa Albania

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