10 Digital Nomad Jobs: Start Your Location Independent Business

Which travel enthusiast & wanderlust sufferer doesn't dream of simply being on the go all the time?! No going back to the office, but being completely location independent and working from anywhere in the world is a dream for many. Check out 10 popular jobs for digital nomads and make your dream lifestyle come true.

Which travel enthusiast & wanderlust sufferer doesn’t dream of simply being on the go all the time?! No going back to the office, but being completely location independent and working from anywhere in the world is a dream for many. Check out 10 popular jobs for digital nomads and make your dream lifestyle come true.

In today’s world, this lifestyle is possible with many jobs, as digitalization brings about new jobs that are perfect for Digital Nomads and those who want to become one. Here are some tips on how you can manage to build a life as a Digital Nomad and make a living from anywhere in the world! At the end of the article, you’ll also find a hot additional tip that is guaranteed to help you out.

10 Job Ideas for Digital Nomads (and those who want to become one)

Job 1: Become an author and write books or texts

Do you like to come up with stories and are good at writing (long) texts? Then share your words with others and become an author! With Kindle and print on demand, there are plenty of options today, whether it’s a novel, mystery or non-fiction book. Once your work is published and sold, you can earn money passively from the proceeds. Alternatively, finished texts can be sent to publishers who, with luck, may be interested in publishing the book.

Blogs and internet portals are also often looking for external authors or ghostwriters. There are now many different websites where you can sign up and do the writing of these posts. The authors there choose topics that they are particularly fond of or very interested in. Just do some research, sign up and start typing.

Job 2: Virtual office help and assistance

Answering emails, making appointments, booking trips or doing time-consuming PC work – perfect if you have someone to support you. On my-vpa you can register and apply as a virtual assistant. There you will find numerous employers who are looking for energetic and location-independent support.

The great thing is that you can easily choose and schedule your own working hours and workload. Of course, good PC skills are a prerequisite.

Job 3: Online marketing and social media support

If you know a lot about marketing products and services, you can advise companies on online marketing. Many companies in particular are looking for support to look after social media channels and fill them with content accordingly.

Whether it’s managing social channels, search engine optimization, concept development, or banner advertising, it all helps businesses generate more revenue. Have experience and a favourite company you’d like to work for regardless of location? Then don’t forget to check their job offers regularly or just send an interesting speculative application.

Of course, you can also package your knowledge and experience (on the side) into a book or an e-learning package and thus earn money passively as a location-independent digital nomad.

Job 4: Video production and YouTube

Do you like to make movies, know how to use editing programs … or want to learn how to do just that? Then go for it! Platforms like YouTube make it possible for anyone to publish videos worldwide. Channels that are either very personal or specialized in a particular topic have a particularly authentic effect.

Another option is to provide advice and support to companies when it comes to videos. For example, some companies are interested in short films that give applicants a first impression of the company or inform them about certain processes or manufacturing methods.

As a digital nomad, you can also benefit from your love of video while travelling and publish films about travel destinations, hotels, restaurants and local attractions. Either as tips for anyone interested, or you sell them to local businesses.

Job 5: Make money with cryptocurrencies.

Crypto-nomad – never heard of it? You can also earn money with cryptocurrencies and travel on the side. If this is all Greek to you, you can watch some YouTube videos and websites on the topic, which show how to get into trading or mining.

Bitcoins are the most popular cryptocurrency and, as with all others, you need a Bitcoin wallet, the “digital wallet”, to get started. The prices of cryptocurrencies are subject to strong fluctuations, so you should only start with a small capital at first until you have a good overview of the offers and possibilities.

Job 6: Programming and app development

Hardly any other job currently pays as much money as that of a programmer. IT specialists are in demand worldwide and those who master programming languages have good chances of generating an income completely independent of location. Whether as a permanent employee (but free traveller), on a project basis or completely self-employed.

You have a brilliant idea, but the code is rather Chinese for you? Then get a developer on board and start together. Once the software or the app is up and running, you can sell it either completely to business customers or via platforms. This will (hopefully) bring you a lot of one-time or steady passive income.

Job 7: Web designer and graphic designer

Web and graphic designers can be found in large numbers among digital nomads. Designing websites and graphics is more in demand than ever and offers many opportunities to give free rein to one’s creativity. All it takes is the appropriate computer programs and an Internet connection.

A quick start can be found on Internet portals where companies look for support and advertise projects. Another option is to design templates or icons, for example, and offer them for sale on appropriate sites. Once created, your graphics work for you, so to speak, while you loll on the beach or already have the new project in sight.

Job 8: Journalist and blogger

Are you interested in a topic, are you a journalist, or are you good at writing messages and articles? Find a suitable niche and write about it. Whether technology, fashion, health or personal development. Become an expert and position yourself with your experience and ideas.

You can set up your own blog or sell your texts to publishers as a freelance author. You can promote your contributions to social media platforms – or you can register on the Internet with one of the portals as a blog text author and freelancer.

Job 9: Working as a translator from any location

If you are particularly good at a foreign language, become a translator and take the opportunity to translate on numerous online platforms for a fee. If you apply for jobs abroad, it is also possible to negotiate extras with the clients. For example, translating the homepage from the local language into German in exchange for two nights of free accommodation and lodging. Especially small companies are happy about these offers.

Job 10: Teacher

Do you love to share your knowledge with others and want to teach wherever you are? As a teacher (of your home language) you will quickly find offers abroad, often in exchange for overnight stays. Or register as a teacher at one of the numerous online schools and teach from anywhere.

There is also a growing interest in online courses, for example at Udemy.com, where you can offer courses yourself and earn money. You can give the courses live, or alternatively record them and earn money from them quite automatically.

Tipp: Still unsure where and how to start your career as a digital nomad? Then we recommend the Great International Job Guide from Auslandszeit. It leads you in 21 steps to the perfect job – no matter if you want to start as a work and traveller, digital nomad or ex-pat.

The very next time you visit Thailand, Mallorca or New York, you could be the person in a nice café or coworking space, sitting comfortably at your laptop and working completely location-independently. The Internet offers numerous opportunities to realize your ideas and yourself – take advantage of these opportunities and become a digital nomad!

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